How to do a hundred pushups

31-35 Push Ups

If you did 31-35 push ups in the test
Day 1 – 60 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 17
set 2 19
set 3 15
set 4 15
set 5 max (minimum 20)
Minimum 1 Day Break
Day 2
45 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 3
45 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 10 set 1 13
set 2 10 set 2 13
set 3 13 set 3 15
set 4 13 set 4 15
set 5 10 set 5 12
set 6 10 set 6 12
set 7 9 set 7 10
set 8 max (minimum 25 ) set 8 max (minimum 30 )
Minimum 1 Day break Minimum 2 Day Break

Push-ups as a form of punishment

Push-ups, a widely recognized form of physical exercise, have occasionally been adopted as a form of punishment in various settings, including the military, sports teams, and even in schools. The rationale behind this usage and the implications it carries hold several dimensions worth exploring. Here we examine the dynamics, pros, and cons of using push-ups as a form of punishment.

Push-Ups as a Form of Punishment: A Complex Picture

Historical and Present Context

Traditionally, physical exercises like push-ups have been used as punitive measures to instill discipline and adherence to rules. In the military, push-ups might be utilized to correct minor infractions, aiming to build resilience and a sense of responsibility. In schools and on sports teams, coaches and teachers might employ them to maintain order and encourage adherence to established norms.

Deterrence and Discipline

On one hand, using push-ups as a punishment can serve as a deterrent, discouraging individuals from breaking rules. The physical exertion required to complete a set of push-ups might make someone think twice before committing an infraction. Furthermore, this method instills a form of discipline, teaching individuals the consequences of their actions and promoting a more orderly environment.

Physical Benefits

Interestingly, even when used as a form of punishment, push-ups can confer physical benefits. The individual undergoing the punishment still gains from the muscle building and endurance-enhancing effects of the exercise. Therefore, it serves a dual purpose: punishing the individual while potentially improving their physical fitness.

Critics and Controversy

However, critics argue that using push-ups or any form of physical exercise as punishment can have negative implications. Firstly, it might foster a negative association with physical activity. Individuals might start viewing exercises, which are essentially meant for enhancing wellbeing, as something negative or dreaded, which could potentially discourage them from engaging in physical activities voluntarily in the future.

Potential for Abuse

Moreover, there's the potential for abuse when using push-ups as a form of punishment. Excessive use of this punitive measure can lead to physical harm, promoting an environment of fear rather than one of growth and learning. It can blur the lines between discipline and abuse, especially if not monitored and regulated properly.

Psychological Impact

The psychological impact of using physical exercise as punishment should not be overlooked. It can potentially foster resentment and negative emotions, especially if individuals feel they are being unjustly punished. This method can undermine the trust and respect between the authority figure and the individuals being punished, creating a divisive atmosphere.

Alternatives and Modern Approaches

Given the complex nature of using push-ups as punishment, many institutions are revisiting this practice and looking for alternatives. Modern approaches emphasize positive reinforcement and constructive feedback as more effective ways to instill discipline and encourage adherence to rules. These methods aim to foster a more positive and nurturing environment, promoting growth and development rather than fear and resentment.

Individual Dignity and Human Rights

At the heart of the debate is the issue of individual dignity and human rights. Using physical exercise as a form of punishment walks a thin line between maintaining order and potentially violating an individual’s rights. It raises moral and ethical questions about the appropriate ways to treat individuals, especially in settings like schools where young minds are being shaped.

A Call for Balanced Approaches

As the conversation evolves, there is a call for more balanced approaches that retain the benefits of discipline and order without the potential negative implications. Implementing guidelines that regulate the use of physical exercise as punishment and promoting awareness about the potential harms are steps in the right direction.


In conclusion, the use of push-ups as a form of punishment is a topic that carries both historical significance and contemporary relevance. It presents a complex picture, with arguments both for and against its use. While it can serve as a deterrent and instill discipline, the potential for negative physical and psychological impacts cannot be ignored.

In light of these considerations, it seems prudent to approach the use of push-ups as a form of punishment with caution. A more nuanced understanding and a balanced approach, which takes into consideration the potential repercussions and the changing societal values, seems to be the way forward. It is essential to foster environments where individuals are encouraged to grow and develop positively, rather than being subjected to potentially harmful punitive measures.

As society continues to evolve, it might be time to revisit traditional practices and adapt them to align with modern understanding and values. The discussion surrounding the use of push-ups as a form of punishment is a vital part of this broader conversation, as it encapsulates the complexities of balancing discipline with dignity and respect. It serves as a reminder of the need to continually reassess and evolve our approaches to punishment and discipline, aiming for methods that are both effective and humane.