How to do a hundred pushups

More than 60

If you did more than 60 push ups in the test
Day 1 – 60 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 35
set 2 49
set 3 45
set 4 45
set 5 max (minimum 55)
Minimum 1 Day Break
Day 2
45 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 3
45 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 22 set 1 28
set 2 22 set 2 28
set 3 30 set 3 35
set 4 30 set 4 35
set 5 24 set 5 27
set 6 24 set 6 27
set 7 18 set 7 23
set 8 18 set 8 23
set 9 max (minimum 59) set 9 max (minimum 60)
Minimum 1 Day Break Minimum 2 Day Break

Scientific Research on Pushups

Cardiovascular Health and Predictive Analysis

One notable study that has brought pushups into the limelight in recent years is a study published in "JAMA Network Open" in February 2019. This research conducted by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health revealed an interesting correlation between the ability to perform a higher number of pushups and a lowered risk of cardiovascular diseases. The study took into account over a thousand active male firefighters over a period of 10 years. Remarkably, individuals who could perform more than 40 pushups consecutively had a 96% reduced risk of cardiovascular events compared to those who could do less than ten. This study thus accentuated the significance of pushups as a marker for cardiovascular health, opening avenues for further research in this sector.

Musculoskeletal Benefits and Rehabilitation

When it comes to rehabilitation, particularly shoulder rehabilitation, pushups have been the focal point in several studies. According to a study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, modified pushups are used as a rehabilitation exercise to progressively load the serratus anterior, a crucial muscle that helps in the optimal functioning of the shoulder. Various other research pieces have highlighted the role of pushups in rehabilitating individuals with shoulder impingements, integrating them into therapeutic exercises that aim at strengthening the rotator cuff muscles and enhancing shoulder stability.

Biomechanical Analysis

Understanding the biomechanics of pushups has been a topic of interest for researchers aiming to optimize physical training and prevent injuries. Various studies have delved deep into the muscle activation patterns during different pushup variations. For instance, a study published in "Sports Medicine International Open" in 2017 dissected the biomechanics of pushup variations like the wide, narrow, and standard pushup, indicating how different hand positions can influence muscle activation and thereby alter the focus of the exercise. Through electromyographic analyses, researchers are able to pinpoint the most effective pushup techniques and modifications to achieve specific fitness goals, thereby guiding training protocols in sports and fitness regimes.

Integration in Physical Education and Fitness Assessments

Pushups have also been an integral part of fitness assessments globally, often used as a benchmark to gauge upper body strength and endurance. The President's Challenge Physical Activity & Fitness Awards Program in the USA, for instance, has used pushups as a part of its fitness battery to encourage youth to lead an active lifestyle. Moreover, research in the realm of physical education has often scrutinized the methodology behind pushup tests, aiming to develop more inclusive and standardized testing protocols.

Mental Health and Psychological Aspects

Interestingly, the domain of pushups also extends to psychological research. Studies have highlighted the potential benefits of engaging in physical activities like pushups in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. The release of endorphins, often termed as 'feel-good' hormones, during pushups is believed to enhance mood and alleviate symptoms of mild depression. This correlates with broader research on the positive impacts of physical activity on mental health.

In The Context of Special Populations

Furthermore, pushups have been the subject of studies focusing on special populations, including older adults and pregnant women. Research has often explored how modified pushups can be integrated into the fitness routines of these populations, offering benefits like enhanced bone health and improved functional strength.

Future Directions and Innovations

As we look forward to the advancements in research, it would be intriguing to see how the humble pushup would find its place in emerging fitness technologies and innovations. With the advent of wearable technologies and virtual reality, future research might explore the integration of pushups in technologically augmented fitness programs, potentially opening up new paradigms in fitness training and rehabilitation.


In conclusion, the pushup stands as a pillar in the scientific exploration of physical fitness, offering a rich ground for research spanning across cardiovascular health, rehabilitation, biomechanics, fitness assessments, mental health, and much more. As we venture further, it is anticipated that the scope of research encompassing pushups will expand, unearthing newer dimensions and benefits associated with this classic exercise, thereby fostering a healthier and fitter society.