How to do a hundred pushups

6-10 Push Ups

If you did 6-10 push ups in the test
Day 1
60 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 4
60 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 5 set 1 9
set 2 6 set 2 11
set 3 4 set 3 8
set 4 4 set 4 8
set 5 max (minimum 5) set 5 max (minimum 11)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 2
  90 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 5
90 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 6 set 1 10
set 2 7 set 2 12
set 3 6 set 3 9
set 4 6 set 4 9
set 5 max (minimum 7) set 5 max (minimum 13)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 3
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 6
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 8 set 1 12
set 2 10 set 2 13
set 3 7 set 3 10
set 4 7 set 4 10
set 5 max (minimum 10) set 5 max (minimum 15)
Minimum 2 day break Minimum 2 day break

Historical Significance of Push-Ups

The humble push-up, known as a comprehensive exercise that primarily accentuates the pectoral and triceps muscles, has an impressive and multifaceted history that goes back several centuries, intertwining with various facets of human evolution and civilization.

In the world of physical fitness, few exercises bear the universal recognition and historical depth that the push-up does. This simple, yet incredibly effective exercise has been a cornerstone in developing the strength and resilience of individuals throughout various epochs. Its roots can potentially be traced back to ancient civilizations, where soldiers and warriors were trained to achieve physical prowess to be formidable in battle. This tradition of utilizing push-ups as a means to foster physical strength has been documented in various cultures, illustrating the global reach and significance of this exercise.

As time progressed, the push-up found its place in military training regimes globally. Soldiers, irrespective of their geographical locations, were often mandated to execute high repetitions of this exercise. The motive was clear: to cultivate upper body strength and endurance, attributes that are indispensable on the battlefield. Moreover, the inherent beauty of the push-up lies in its simplicity; no equipment is necessary, allowing for a universal accessibility that transcends socioeconomic boundaries. It embodies the notion that to build strength and resilience, one needs nothing more than the weight of their own body.

Furthermore, the push-up's historical significance is amplified by its role in the martial arts domain. Various forms of martial arts incorporate the push-up in their training regimes, recognizing its potency in building a powerful and agile physique. Its role here is not just physical; it is also employed to build mental grit, resilience, and discipline among practitioners.

Beyond the military and martial arts realms, the push-up started to gain recognition in the broader fitness sphere in the 20th century. Fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders, and athletes started incorporating this ancient exercise into their routines, realizing that the benefits it bestowed were manifold. The push-up became not just a tool for building physical strength but also a measure of one's fitness level. Various fitness tests and competitions started including the push-up as a key component, setting the stage for individuals to showcase their strength and endurance.

Additionally, the push-up has made its way into educational systems globally, being a staple in physical education classes. This movement brought the push-up to the younger generations, instilling a sense of physical fitness and awareness from an early age. This ensured that the legacy of the push-up would continue to thrive, fostering a healthier and stronger society.

The transition into the digital age has only amplified the popularity and relevance of the push-up. Online fitness communities, social media challenges, and virtual competitions have embraced the push-up, bringing people together in a shared pursuit of physical excellence. This digital embracement has allowed for the proliferation of various forms of the push-up, with individuals creatively modifying and adapting the exercise to suit their unique fitness goals.

In conclusion, the push-up stands as a timeless testament to human strength and resilience. Its historical journey, from ancient battlefields to modern-day fitness regimes, showcases the enduring relevance and significance of this exercise. It remains a universal symbol of physical fitness, a beacon of personal achievement, and a tool for fostering community and camaraderie globally. Its rich history serves as a reminder of the human potential for growth and excellence, urging individuals to push past their limits and strive for greater heights.